joi, 23 aprilie 2009
this bowl-urn is the first thing finished after a long period of silence.
the colors went dark when sealing -- i face this problem often--somehow i liked
it better before but i can't change it anymore so i have to get used with it's looking or make another one :)...
it seems i'm not contented with the thing i make --i like the shapes i make but i get stocked on paintings,same problem--but maybe this is that pulse that makes me wanting to exceed myself..
the creating urge is like an itch growing day by day ... i meet a lot of talented people on the net
so i have a waste learning opportunity and inspiration source.
sâmbătă, 18 aprilie 2009
i'm working on bowls.mostly experiencing and because i'm not contented with the final
result i change colors often.i'm still hanging on this first bowls feet as you can see below..even if the idea it was to be raw and to keep undefended the yellow foots i play with colors until I'll find them enough acceptable.this little problems keep me in good english gives me also headaches ....
and below the whole bowl from the beginnig then the little changes that has occur and still not finished...i think the first step next will be to change inside color than maybe add some buttons or a pattern to the body and than i'll see...even if i wanted those yellow foots from the start i want to sweeten its rawness a bit.
as an idea of body pattern i've tried this
but it was before the red socks...
another try--this time i used the paint program to see what if i.....
result i change colors often.i'm still hanging on this first bowls feet as you can see below..even if the idea it was to be raw and to keep undefended the yellow foots i play with colors until I'll find them enough acceptable.this little problems keep me in good english gives me also headaches ....
and below the whole bowl from the beginnig then the little changes that has occur and still not finished...i think the first step next will be to change inside color than maybe add some buttons or a pattern to the body and than i'll see...even if i wanted those yellow foots from the start i want to sweeten its rawness a bit.
as an idea of body pattern i've tried this
but it was before the red socks...
another try--this time i used the paint program to see what if i.....
joi, 2 aprilie 2009
boluri de martie
au trecut 4 luni de cind n-am mai lucrat cu hartia.sarbatorile de iarna au sters
ultimele picaturi de vopsea de pe micuta masa de lucru si s-a asternut peste ea
praful.odata asezate frumos toate lucrurile in cutii,parca si cheful s-a incuiat cu
ele in intunecimea dulapului.asta pina acum cind iarasi e primavara(cei drept de
2 zile--alaltaieri parca mai ningea) si odata cu ea am devastat din nou micuta
masa cu "orori" pt cei cu mania curateniei.m-am mai imbogatit cu citeva
pensule fitoase si acest moment am trei mici proiecte la care lucrezi.
e vorba de 3 boluri decorative.unul e aproape gata,aici e si poza,arata cam ciudat
cu picioruse galbene dar asa am cred ca voi schimba culoarea in schimb voi
face citeva mici ajustari la culoarea inetriorului si al marginii.mi se pare prea"abrupta"....peste va veni un strat doua de lac,caut lac mat,dar
deocamdata fara succes.asa ca s-ar putea sa straluceasca la sfarsit.
ultimele picaturi de vopsea de pe micuta masa de lucru si s-a asternut peste ea
praful.odata asezate frumos toate lucrurile in cutii,parca si cheful s-a incuiat cu
ele in intunecimea dulapului.asta pina acum cind iarasi e primavara(cei drept de
2 zile--alaltaieri parca mai ningea) si odata cu ea am devastat din nou micuta
masa cu "orori" pt cei cu mania curateniei.m-am mai imbogatit cu citeva
pensule fitoase si acest moment am trei mici proiecte la care lucrezi.
e vorba de 3 boluri decorative.unul e aproape gata,aici e si poza,arata cam ciudat
cu picioruse galbene dar asa am cred ca voi schimba culoarea in schimb voi
face citeva mici ajustari la culoarea inetriorului si al marginii.mi se pare prea"abrupta"....peste va veni un strat doua de lac,caut lac mat,dar
deocamdata fara succes.asa ca s-ar putea sa straluceasca la sfarsit.
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