...three little houses jumping on my desk...
one fell off and... nothing happened ;0)
i was inspired to make some houses thanks to Rodica and Fishstikks.check their adorable little houses...i just couldn't help myself.
while the pin roses are still waiting for their pins,lol i'm just coloring the pile of gray bits i made long enough to forget what they were meant to be...well,some of them already has a new look like these two earrings
i must fly away now like a little ladybug still not knowing how to finish her-necklace,bracelet,pin,fridge magnet ?
bug bye bye
Miss Ipswich Bunny Mask
Acum 3 zile
8 comentarii:
I like your house, so tiny ,so cute.
hi there, found you on Etsy and just love your work. I'm working in paper mache too right now, it's so versatile! I love your tiny houses and your jewelry is beautiful!
thank you Leaf and p.a.turner! i've sipped happily your kind comments :)
Lovely little houses, maybe add wood bases to them, they give them some more, I don't know...punch, more finished look. They would make great gifts.
Love the colours of your other pm mache stuff too.
Thank you v much Erika !
i made some pm bases to them but i was (i am)undecided whether to stick them on or made them a hook for being wearable...anyway no rush,i'm into making my third mask,as the second one landed in the garbage.megette a penesz es eldobtam,csunya volt amugy is hehe.koszi megegyszer,a jo tanacsok mindig jol jonnek. :)
Make larger ones Ildi, and you can hang them on the wall.
Hol vannak a maszkok??? nem latok itt egyet sem.
nagyon jo otlet !koszi!
ezek maradek pasztabol keszultek meg a nyaron...most korulmenyes pasztat keszitenem.ezert tobbnyire csak ragaszgatom a papir csikokat.igy keszul a kovetkezo ket maszk is de nem tudom oket befeljezni...valami hianyzik.altalaban csak akkor irok amikor mar keszen vannak...eleg sok kis munka kivan hagyva a blogrol.hoemberek,gyongyok,wip-ek ,minta tanulmany stb de konnyen masba kezdek es megfeledkezem.most pld. ezekkel babralok nagy elvezettel http://cukipokart.blogspot.com/2012/01/embossed-tin-can-and-soul.html
mikor megunom visszaterek a maszkokhoz.koszi a jo tanacsokat!
Îmi place case. Textură fină.
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