sâmbătă, 14 noiembrie 2015

super reteta :pasta de hartie si casuta pt pasari

Un proiect de scoala la care ne-am mobilizat cu totii,parinti si copii sa facem o bucurie pasarelelor.
Casuta noastra este facuta in totalitate din materiale reciclate-carton,cofraje de ou si hartie.
 Pasii au fost simpli,dar acesta lucrare necesita timp pt a se usca.

Super reteta mea de papier mache sau pasta de hartie :

  •  cofraj de ou rupt in bucatele (nu prea marunte)
  • inmuiere in apa timp de o ora ,doua
  • stoarse in mana 
  • preparare unui adeziv apa+faina+aracet de consistenta iaurtului
  • imbibarea bucatilor de cofraj
  • aplicarea pe suprafata dorita
  • gata 
Cu aceasta reteta extrem de simpla si rapida puteti crea mult obiecte de decor,jucarii si totodata reciclati material pretios-celuloza.
Astept sa-mi trimiteti lucrarile voastre pe adresa mea de fb.

Cateva imagini cu casuta pasarilor :

bucatiile de cofraj imbibate si scurse de lipici-aplicate pe suprafata casutei-ciupercutele realizate tot asa.
pictat cu acrilice si protejate cu doua straturi de lac mat in forma de spray pt acrilice
veselele casute agatate in copac

O zi creativa!ildi

duminică, 27 septembrie 2015

woven paper baskets 2.

first time i tried to wove paper it was back in 2008 (http://papirildi.blogspot.ro/2008/10/cos-din-hartie.html) now the fever got me again,not for long i guess.the wip bowl-basket is actually spinned paper that was hard to do for my hands(though a good exercise for musician fingers)but i like the result.i'm thanking my facebook friends for the switching the desire by inspiration....shame on me i left a lot of paper beads unpainted...and having quite a lot of...

have an inspired Sunday,bests,ildi

vineri, 27 martie 2015

miniature paper mache houses on the table

miniature paper house whimsy-traditional ones,fairy houses,all raw reycyled paper

miercuri, 25 februarie 2015

recycled cardboard whimsy

hello friends,
glad you're still here...i was quite active despite the quiet settled here.a new ideea poped in my mind when i gived away two of my latest recycled paper earrings and since there the idea fructified and i got a lot of benefits of it -yes even sold a few ones but here i'm talking more about the joy of the creation ,about the process.i was combining two useful things-one giving a new chance to used cardboards and second to draw.
 here are the unique upcycled gift tags that will surely not be thrown away soon...i've got so many positive feed back that lately my face radiates joy and people have noticed that.somethimes indeed it needs so little to feel happy dispite all grey clouds that are covering the sun sometimes in everyones life.

all bests,ildi

sâmbătă, 31 ianuarie 2015

feeling happy

i've just shared our "work" on facebook ........a little happiness in colors and a sneak peek of what is coming next in my paper atelier ,that being the kitchen table :)... thought i'm already fancing some dolls-it would be great to capture our orchestral conductors (because they are changing almost every week still we have our well known annual faces) in paper.

seria reciclarilor continua-de data aceasta un vas prafuit urmeaza sa fie finisata,lacuita si postata.

la 50 de like-uri voi organiza un giveaway si voi da gratis o brosa de hartie asa ca daca v-ar place una nu trebuie nimic altceva decit sa fiti pe faza!
Domnul sa va fie calauza!

vineri, 30 ianuarie 2015

more pins ready

you're invited to sip a can of milk,or taste our good tripe soup that bumble bee is already doing smile emoticon.the hedgedog is more interested about art,determined to take home that piece of black ceramics(moldavian type)........i took that soup away but see what he's up to!...thanks for the visit

8 brose finisate din pasta de hartie,servetele,lipici,acrilice si multa dragoste smile emoticon

asa au aratat la inceput:

sâmbătă, 24 ianuarie 2015

masca din ziare

da,de obicei mastile pe care le fac(nu ca as fi facut f multe)sunt realizate din ziare ca si masca din poze, care a rabdat mult praf si asteptat indelung ca sa fie pusa pe masa de lucru.ieri s-a mutat pe masuta plina de margele colorate si iata ca azi e aproape terminata,chiar daca vor fi facute poate mici schimbari totusi pot spune ca e ca si facuta.mastile profesionistilor sunt din servetele si-sau filtre maro de cafea,dar eu zic ca merge si cu ziare.nu vreau sa invat pe nimeni,as avea si eu multe de invatat,va arat doar cateva imagini de dinainte si final.

joi, 22 ianuarie 2015

brose eco si cercei din hartie

Continuind seria broselor ...........plus un cercel din carton reciclat.

Not much for these days...paper mache brooches and earrings.The earrings in the last picture are made from paper tube layers,last layer vintage paper+acrylics.
I learnt from Ross Barbera's "watercolor paper earrings"tutorial on youtube the basics,i just used the paper tube instead of the expensive watercolor.

luni, 19 ianuarie 2015

more eco brooches-animal pins and others

continuing the pin series...
serie noua de martisoare-brose eco din pasta de hartie reciclata,ambalaj de carton,vopsite cu acrilice si lacuite sau protejate cu Mod Podge-un fel de aracet cu proprietati mai bune.
pt comenzi mesaj pe facebook la privat sau email si fiti pe faza la 50 de like voi da un martisor gratis pt cel care raspandeste si lasa un comentariu.

off,to make some more ....:)

marți, 13 ianuarie 2015

a lot of paper mache pins

these are the first things i made (beside some of the "commissioned "by my sons stuffs like pinatas etc)a week ago and still working on some more as i plan to participate in a March market for the first time...have all bests life offers to you...my heart goes out for the innocentes that dies every day...

i'm planning to make a give away so stay tuned and follow my facebook page!
all bests,ildi

about distance...

sorry for being so distant from blogging about my paper mache but i just couldn't pass the tragedy barrier hitting our family.now slowly coming back strenghtened in faith that it is just a matter of time and patience to meet our little beloved angel again....


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