i've surprised myself.i thought i will bore you with my beads again but instead i've just finished something my sun has begun.of course he get bored quickly after a few sticked paper on a balloon and especially when he noticed his hands stuffed with paste glue mess he run away rapidly to wash them so i remained to finish "the dog" as we supposed it to be but when dried i cut it for fun and so were formed the cups bowl.the rest was easy but i've get stuffed again at the painting part.finally i made something acceptable as you see and i'm somehow contented about the result.they are waiting for the final seal and the big cup will have some extra buttons.
i can't deny that i was inspired from at least two papier mache artists i've found recently.they are great and i loved their kettles -it was in my mind to try one but i didn't expected to be so soon-
Kesem Hamama and Carol W.i was also affected of other pm amateurs works especially those who passionately waste colors.here a few picture showing the same couple in different stages of their existence.
luni, 1 decembrie 2008
sâmbătă, 22 noiembrie 2008
in ciuda
because the big birds right leg has broken again and it seems just paper won't fix it or i have to remake the whole leg -arrrrrgh-i continued to make beads.they are so tiny and i can see them finished in two days.more to come...
modele noi care se asorteaza foarte bine cu orice culoare,desigur va trebui sa mai cresc armata de bilute ca sa am din ce sa le potrivesc in colier.acum doar astea au mai ramas din "colectie"dar hartia s-a inmuiat deja ;)va mai sta ,azi n-am chef de mixare,voi reface citeva bilute nereusite si gata.o zi buna!
modele noi care se asorteaza foarte bine cu orice culoare,desigur va trebui sa mai cresc armata de bilute ca sa am din ce sa le potrivesc in colier.acum doar astea au mai ramas din "colectie"dar hartia s-a inmuiat deja ;)va mai sta ,azi n-am chef de mixare,voi reface citeva bilute nereusite si gata.o zi buna!
bilute din hartie,
hartie reciclata,
paper beads,
recycled paper
marți, 18 noiembrie 2008
hartie reciclata sub diferite forme
i've decided to quit for a while with this bead mania...i have a lot of unfinished staffs i'm bored to look at as they stare at me from every corner of our room leaved months even one year ago...i guess i'm the type of person who can hardly finish a job and always dive in something new...
but how can i quit beads when i always run out of pulp or have to wait broken legs,wings or remodelling shapes ,staffs to dry i'm not contented with?see how decided i am?
the good thing is that i do everything i'm making with love so it's a pleasant time to spend. i also pay to much time according to my family digging up other people's amazing creatures,paintings,techniques.this are other "everyday news" i need...at least 30 minutes.
here are some necklaces i've made last week
and two of my birds getting finished i hope this or the following week...
i can't wait to see them painted!it will be a difficult job for me!
i tried the handmade paper recipe-thank you Joanna
and see the result -this is only a sample
i only could have a gauze for this purpose but you can find beautiful patterns on Joanna's site.
but how can i quit beads when i always run out of pulp or have to wait broken legs,wings or remodelling shapes ,staffs to dry i'm not contented with?see how decided i am?
the good thing is that i do everything i'm making with love so it's a pleasant time to spend. i also pay to much time according to my family digging up other people's amazing creatures,paintings,techniques.this are other "everyday news" i need...at least 30 minutes.
here are some necklaces i've made last week
and two of my birds getting finished i hope this or the following week...
i can't wait to see them painted!it will be a difficult job for me!
i tried the handmade paper recipe-thank you Joanna
and see the result -this is only a sample
i only could have a gauze for this purpose but you can find beautiful patterns on Joanna's site.
bird proiect,
hartie reciclata,
recicled paper,
wip chicken
vineri, 7 noiembrie 2008
bracelets and necklace
i 've made recently two bracelets.i like them but i know i have to improve my rolling technic. this ones are made of paper painted or better scratched by me while painting paper beads as i used on them dried brush and had to wipe of the surplus of paint.then i liked the color combination so i cut it and rolled in beads as you see.
the red bracelet didn't turned on as i wanted because the vivid red and contrasting black were hidden in the middle of the rolled paper so i remained with their washy ends.next time i will be careful.
the rest of the shots are made for fun.i was playing with this colored bead army and believe me they followed my orders duteously.
the red bracelet didn't turned on as i wanted because the vivid red and contrasting black were hidden in the middle of the rolled paper so i remained with their washy ends.next time i will be careful.
the rest of the shots are made for fun.i was playing with this colored bead army and believe me they followed my orders duteously.
sâmbătă, 25 octombrie 2008
again beads
miercuri, 8 octombrie 2008
cutie imbracata
sint sigura ca nu sint singura care a imbracat cite o cutie in "haine noi" si sint f multumita cu rezultatul.2 cutii asteapta sa le gasesc loc ...a durat cam o ora si jumate realizarea unei cutii,dar zic eu ca a meritat efortul.intre timp se pregateste si altceva-o palarie imensa comandata de fratele meu,amator de pescuit....
data viitoare trebuie sa fiu mai atenta la imbinarea servetelelor ;),si mai urmeaza sa fie lacuite
data viitoare trebuie sa fiu mai atenta la imbinarea servetelelor ;),si mai urmeaza sa fie lacuite
duminică, 5 octombrie 2008
cos din hartie
ieri seara am dat de un blog-,nu-mi mai aduc aminte de numele tipei-dar am s-o caut din nou ,care a reusit sa se foloseasca de bine cunoscuta tehnica de impletire a cosurilor folosind in loc de paie si panus de cucuruz ,hartie.
incerc sa postez citeva poze cu metoda folosita de mine.n-am reusit asa cum am vrut,inca nu stapinesc tehnica(cu toate ca din panus as putea face aproape orice se gaseste in comert-dar trebuie sa recunosc ca m-a ajutat experienta panusa)dar am sa mai incerc....
a fost amuzant oricum si cel putin n-am mai stat in fata compului ci in sinul familiei,indemnindu-l si pe cel mic sa incerce,fara reusita cei drept ,dar m-a ajutat la taierea hartiei pt viitoarea pasta de hartie.cea veche am aruncat-o pt ca s-a invechit si mucezit.atunci am pus la inmuiat cofraje de ou,iar acum atit cosul cit si pasta pe care o pregatesc este in intregime din paginile aurii.sint si eu curioasa sa aflu ce calitate va avea pasta si daca va stralucii,he he
mai intai am rulat fasii cam de 7 cm (lungi cit o pagina din cartea de telefon) cu ajutorul unei scobitori,iar la impletire am completat sirul imbinind 2 din aceste "betigase"de hartie...
am gasit site-ul ,la derularea paginii il gasiti la "visited blogs"-este prima pe lista...
imi place f mult ceea ce a realizat si cu cit ma uit mai mult imi dau seama ca trebuia sa utilizeze si sirma in compozitie.sarma se poate deghiza f bine cu hartie si confera stabilitate oricarei structuri .din pacate n-a raspuns tipesa la intrebarile legate de anumite amanunte de "fabricatie"asa ca va trebui sa-l descoperim noi.
cu sarma la atac!
incerc sa postez citeva poze cu metoda folosita de mine.n-am reusit asa cum am vrut,inca nu stapinesc tehnica(cu toate ca din panus as putea face aproape orice se gaseste in comert-dar trebuie sa recunosc ca m-a ajutat experienta panusa)dar am sa mai incerc....
a fost amuzant oricum si cel putin n-am mai stat in fata compului ci in sinul familiei,indemnindu-l si pe cel mic sa incerce,fara reusita cei drept ,dar m-a ajutat la taierea hartiei pt viitoarea pasta de hartie.cea veche am aruncat-o pt ca s-a invechit si mucezit.atunci am pus la inmuiat cofraje de ou,iar acum atit cosul cit si pasta pe care o pregatesc este in intregime din paginile aurii.sint si eu curioasa sa aflu ce calitate va avea pasta si daca va stralucii,he he
mai intai am rulat fasii cam de 7 cm (lungi cit o pagina din cartea de telefon) cu ajutorul unei scobitori,iar la impletire am completat sirul imbinind 2 din aceste "betigase"de hartie...
am gasit site-ul ,la derularea paginii il gasiti la "visited blogs"-este prima pe lista...
imi place f mult ceea ce a realizat si cu cit ma uit mai mult imi dau seama ca trebuia sa utilizeze si sirma in compozitie.sarma se poate deghiza f bine cu hartie si confera stabilitate oricarei structuri .din pacate n-a raspuns tipesa la intrebarile legate de anumite amanunte de "fabricatie"asa ca va trebui sa-l descoperim noi.
cu sarma la atac!
vineri, 12 septembrie 2008
more beads
nem nagy a nyari bogyotermes, a furot elfelejtettem magammal vinni szovatara...de egypar gyongyszem es lancnakvalo csak elkeszult.ha a festes konnyebben menne,...a szoliorak alatt tanitottak a kepzosoknek.tudom,nem mindenkinek kell tanitani,a talentum ugrik az ujjbol,de ha mintegyre azt halljuk hogy a gyakorlas sok mindennek nyitja akkor talan en is maradtam volna valamivel a tarisznyamba.szeretem,meg ha kinozom is . jol esik.mint masoknak a cigaretta.
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