sâmbătă, 22 noiembrie 2008

in ciuda

because the big birds right leg has broken again and it seems just paper won't fix it or i have to remake the whole leg -arrrrrgh-i continued to make beads.they are so tiny and i can see them finished in two days.more to come...

modele noi care se asorteaza foarte bine cu orice culoare,desigur va trebui sa mai cresc armata de bilute ca sa am din ce sa le potrivesc in colier.acum doar astea au mai ramas din "colectie"dar hartia s-a inmuiat deja ;)va mai sta ,azi n-am chef de mixare,voi reface citeva bilute nereusite si gata.o zi buna!

marți, 18 noiembrie 2008

hartie reciclata sub diferite forme

i've decided to quit for a while with this bead mania...i have a lot of unfinished staffs i'm bored to look at as they stare at me from every corner of our room leaved months even one year ago...i guess i'm the type of person who can hardly finish a job and always dive in something new...
but how can i quit beads when i always run out of pulp or have to wait broken legs,wings or remodelling shapes ,staffs to dry i'm not contented with?see how decided i am?
the good thing is that i do everything i'm making with love so it's a pleasant time to spend. i also pay to much time according to my family digging up other people's amazing creatures,paintings,techniques.this are other "everyday news" i need...at least 30 minutes.
here are some necklaces i've made last week

and two of my birds getting finished i hope this or the following week...

i can't wait to see them painted!it will be a difficult job for me!

i tried the handmade paper recipe-thank you Joanna
and see the result -this is only a sample

i only could have a gauze for this purpose but you can find beautiful patterns on Joanna's site.

vineri, 7 noiembrie 2008

bracelets and necklace

i 've made recently two bracelets.i like them but i know i have to improve my rolling technic. this ones are made of paper painted or better scratched by me while painting paper beads as i used on them dried brush and had to wipe of the surplus of paint.then i liked the color combination so i cut it and rolled in beads as you see.
the red bracelet didn't turned on as i wanted because the vivid red and contrasting black were hidden in the middle of the rolled paper so i remained with their washy ends.next time i will be careful.

the rest of the shots are made for fun.i was playing with this colored bead army and believe me they followed my orders duteously.


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