hi friends!
i can't remember when i made this tiny little doodle on my notebook but i can tell you that i begined to work on it early in the summer.
i cuted out an aproximate circle form (50 cm diameter) of cardboard,glued a "naked"mirror on than added the pulp all around the it .as you can see i did not used a blender for the pulp.it is only striped paper,flour paste and water.i coated the cardbord with diluted pva as i learnt from
Jonty than added the strange pulp and left it to dry flat.
for some reason this summer were a nasty one,we have not seen to much the sun but rain.the mirror dried very slowly and even began to mould.so when somehow dried i put it aside for better days...and they have come.the radiators are going well and the stuffs are drying much quicklier.
what i have done now was another layer of the same type pulp and wait to drie.than i sanded it a little bit with hands and my husband helped with the sanpaper attached drilling machine.it doesn't came out as smooth as i wanted but i knew that the painting will full the eye.of course this made harder the painting job.
it will be a Christmas gift and i'm very happy that i could finish it in time.i may still add a star or a little bird here there but i'm not stressed...i used for the first time acrylics insted of fluid pigments and i was so happy that the headaches caused by smudging dissapeared.
i also learned that using acrylics the work can be called done sealer is not that important like before.of course i am thinking of sealing it,shinny varnish or not doesn't matters in this case....