sâmbătă, 22 noiembrie 2008

in ciuda

because the big birds right leg has broken again and it seems just paper won't fix it or i have to remake the whole leg -arrrrrgh-i continued to make beads.they are so tiny and i can see them finished in two days.more to come...

modele noi care se asorteaza foarte bine cu orice culoare,desigur va trebui sa mai cresc armata de bilute ca sa am din ce sa le potrivesc in colier.acum doar astea au mai ramas din "colectie"dar hartia s-a inmuiat deja ;)va mai sta ,azi n-am chef de mixare,voi reface citeva bilute nereusite si gata.o zi buna!

3 comentarii:

KataMűvek spunea...

Örülök, hogy láthattam a blogodat. Fantasztikus dolgokat csinálsz!

Ildiko spunea...

Koszonom Kata,csak bar elkeszulnenek valahogy a felbehagyott papirszobrok!a festessel lesz gondom ha vegre eljutok addig ;))
csodaszepek ekszereid!

Jonty spunea...

The black & greens are my favourites of these beads, especially the black ones. Great texture & paint effect combined... Marvelous stuff.


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