joi, 16 decembrie 2010

don't make my mistake

here i'm working on a new bowl using the same type pulp as seen on the mirror but this time" the rush " partially ruined the bowl. though i knew the time i was making it that it is risking i was curious to see how long thin strips are working.i pressed them well into the form but was greedy and added to much at a time.the know...the inside is perfect,no problem with the edges but the exterior (see the pencil marked areas) has to be it soft because of the cavitys.i added a few strips of brown paper over the week parts (like a lazy gal hiding the garbage under the carpet )but didn't solved the problem so i better remake that....

see you next time !

3 comentarii:

Jonty spunea...

Rushing things always leads to disaster. I rushed the first of my grunge skull plaster copies & now out of six halves i have only one half of a skull for my efforts. Lukily these can be the background parts of a large skull project i have planned. Always take your time epsecially in a long term slow drying project.

Pia Drent spunea...

Aarrrgh that is just awful, isn't it? It happened to me too recently. I was adding a strip layer to the bottom of a dried pulp object. You have to give it some room, but I stretched it. And then it dried, yes, and stretched some more, yes, and now there is a hollow. I can try to cut it off. Oh well we'll see. I wish you good luck with your next try Ildi!!!

Ildiko spunea...

JONTY-thanks for the visit.i succeded once i thought i may repet the procedure but long thin strips aren't good for that.lesson learned.
have a great time for your large project!!!

PIA-it is almost already fixed(still remaind a tiny spot to fix though...).this time i used mixed pulp,even if it comes out a bit rough it still can be helped with the sander and a few layers of soft least i have time to think of a nice finsih.thanks for the visit,nice to hear from you!!!


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